Education training programs in sri lanka
Education and Training Programs Services in Sri Lanka

ICC is committed to provide and promote the Education, Training and Development programs that will be in line with the present market requirement. Today firms need to heavily invest in providing the necessary professional training and developments to the existing staffs in order to enhance the productivity. Firms which are constantly vigilant in advocating the latest management and information technology and allied services will be in the forefront to successfully face any challenge in the business world.

ICC is proud to be the one which provides greater education and the technical skill to enhance the understanding of financial measures and allied techniques for non-financial managers. This form of training programs conducted at the in-house of corporate client has yield immense amount of satisfaction and praiseworthy from the top management to the middle level executives.

In the broader level-headedness the ICC is not only restraining the focus to corporate sectors but also highly concerned in educating the general public and the emerging young generation to march towards the path; if his/her goal is aimed at to become tomorrow's corporate leader.

In the process ICC is impressed to provide you some insights on a recent market research done in the USA in year 2012.